It's impact on the society
People use clothing as a way to expresstheir personality, interests, and much more. As stated by William James, an
American philosopher and psychologist,
“The human person is composed of three parts
( soul,body, and clothes)
In Judaism
This statement speaks to the fact that a person’s true personality canbe shown through clothing. Often, this is shown through an individual’s
religious standpoint. In Judaism, there are specific laws called tznius that
dictate how to dress modestly. (Women in North America’s Religious World).
These laws are clearly evident in the clothes that religious Jews wear. Women
must have their knees, shoulders, elbows, and collarbones covered in order to
follow the laws of dressing tznius. Men were a yarmulke (also known as a keepa)
and tzitzit (a prayer shaul) to show their modesty and devotion to G-d.
Although it’s not common to see someone dressed in this manner (it also depends
on where on lives), religious groups continue to present themselves in a modest
fashion, regardless of how the rest of the world views them.
In Islam
there are also rules that dictate modesty indress, which are called hijab. The definition of hijab is “to cover” Dress Code of Muslim Women), and many Muslim women choose to cover their hair in order to
follow the law of modesty. Moreover, this shows their devotion to their
religion, and their devotion to themselves. Instead of choosing to dress like
Abercrombie & Fitch mannequins or models, Muslim men and women dress
according to what they believe in, and something that they clearly value.
while people don't need to wearankle-length skirts to show their values
the act of modesty allows people torecognize you for your personality and beliefs, and not just appearance.
People can be shamed and made fun of for whatever they wear, but choosing to dress in
modest clothing gives a person character and the ability to show their values.
choosing to dress in modest clothing can allow one the opportunity todisplay his or her values and self-worth, as well as give one much more
confidence by not completely exposing oneself. While society may try to force
someone to dress a specific way, it is essential to always stay true to what is
most important for an individual, and not have what’s trending interfere with
Second: the benefits of wearing modestclothes
Conclusions and Implications
As an important value, modesty affects how people dress themselves.However, with the change of social environment and the popularity of idealized
body image in media, the role of modesty has changed in the modern society.
Whether it is brought to popular attention by its absence, as in provocative
dress or unrealistic idealized images of the female, or by its presence, as
seen in the rising number of retailers trying to market this value in the
modest clothi, modesty remains to be a topic that influences consumers, both as
a value and a motivator.
The findings of the study suggestreligion
does affect consumers’ choice of a moreconservative definition of modesty. Participants with a more active religious
life and those with conservative mindset were more likely to choose more
traditional norms when it comes to clothingand fashion goods. Furthermore, younger people may be more likely to focus on
trendy fashion. For them, being modest may not be that important.The findings
suggest that although we live in a society where, “skin sells best” there are
some consumers really treasure the value of modesty when they shop for
clothing. Especially with the current economic downturn, more people turn to
sustainable lifestyle. At the same time, the fashion industry has been focusing
more on green fashion and sustainability. So, the value of modesty may become
more important for today’s consumers.
The fashion industry
as a whole should learn more the role of their consumers’decision makingprocess. After all, good fashion, not skin, should be what sells best.
Modesty, Objectification, andDisordered Eating Patterns: A Comparative Study between Veiled and Unveiled
Muslim Women Residing in Kuwait
Third: Modestyand Disordered Eating Patterns
Unveiled womenexperienced more objectification by others than veiled women. There were no significant
differences found between veiled and unveiled women in self-objectification and
eating disorder symptomatology. There is a significant negative relationship
between modesty of clothing and objectification by others. No significant
relationship was found between modesty of clothing and the self-objectification
and eating disorder scales. For the objectification by others scale, data show
that there is a positive relationship between this scale and eating disorders.
Eating disorders were found to have a negative relationship with
The results ofthe study are significant as they clearly demonstrate a weak negative
relationship between clothing preferences/affiliations and eating disorders.
Fourth: Themodesty and men
Now reasonable is an important word. Womencannot be expected to take unreasonable measures to protect men in this regard.
Men are attracted by a LOT of things and invisibility is not reasonable or
possible to demand of women. Hence, men must also develop self discipline,
custody of the eyes and careful discretion. It is a usual fact that self
discipline increases over time and we who are men OUGHT to be growing in this
and not just indulge our every thought and desire and be stuck in lust.
Progress in this matter is to be insisted upon.
Politicalincorrectness alert!
In the end life is not always fair and modesty issues are simply going to weigh more heavily on women. This is for two
reasons. First women have more to cover. It is simply a fact that the female
body, at least in our culture, has more of what we can simply term here as
private areas. These areas arouse significant sexual interest in men and
however much we may want that to change in a big way, it probably isn’t going
to dramatically change. Secondly since men are more easily tempted in these
matters, it seems reasonable that women ought to take this into account. Surely
we can only expect what is reasonable, but prudence and charity ought to be
operative in such matters.
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